Look Family Exteriors
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Look Family Exteriors, LLC
Frequently Asked Questions

Learn More About Look Family Exteriors, LLC

Have a roofing-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

Our owner has 33 years of experience in the roofing industry and a wealth of experience supervising anywhere between three and six crews a day. They’ve been in the industry ever since they started roofing in 1990, right after graduating from high school.

Look Family Exteriors has been in operation now for eight years. We have a highly-skilled crew and our job supervisor has been trained directly by our owner. Contact us today to get started with the roofers Martinsburg, WV and surrounding areas come to for all their roofing needs.

Yes! Looking for licensed and insured roofers in Martinsburg, WV or surrounding areas? Well, Look Family Exteriors is licensed and insured with workers comp and liability insurance. Every estimate that we provide comes with a valid insurance and corresponding license document link.

The roofing industry has various roofing types to explore. According to Hook Agency, more than 40% of overall roofing sales revenue comes from single-ply roofing annually. On the other hand, metal and coatings only represent about a quarter of sales combined.

Even then, most roofing companies these days are run by salespeople and they choose what type of roofing material to use based on what kind of incentives are available from different manufacturers. This is not the case with Look Family Exteriors.

We’ve used every roofing product out there and our owner has even installed them personally. When we started this company, we got certified with CertainTeed, strictly because we’ve seen for ourselves that they’re the best shingle on the market and we believe in them.

As the experts on roof repair in Martinsburg, WV and surrounding areas, we want to install only the best product and warranties for our homeowners.

Your new roof cost in Martinsburg, WV or surrounding areas should encompass not just quality but also expediency. We complete 95% of all residential homes installations in just one day. As you get into the winter months, when it’s getting dark early, we’ll sometimes have to come back the following day for some punch-out work and clean-up.

The roofing industry is very much weather-dependent. Not only do we have to be careful and pay close attention to when and what time of the day it’s going to rain, but we also have to pay attention to temperatures as we move into the winter months.

We do continue to work through the winter, but roofs cannot be installed in freezing temperatures. We follow the manufacturer’s guidelines strictly and we do not install roofs under freezing conditions.

This can sometimes cause the schedule to move a little slower in the winter months and we never schedule any roofs on Saturday in case we have a rainy day throughout the week. In an attempt to maintain our schedule for the week, if we have a rainy day, we will move that job to Saturday so we don’t disrupt the rest of the schedule for the week.

By leaving Saturdays open and available, we allow for that scheduling flexibility. Very rarely does it occur that we have to move a job scheduled for that week into the following week. Contact us today to get started with the finest roofers in Martinsburg, WV and surrounding areas.